Monday, August 24, 2009

MovieReview; 'Let The Right One In'

Confession: I don't think vampires ever went out of style.

(I typed 'vampies' instead of 'vampires' when I wrote this at first. That's kind of cute I think.)

I know everyone is all "Twilight, True Blood etc." I know 'The Vampire Diaries' is the latest vampy instalment.
But remember 'Interview With A Vampire'? 'The Lost Boys'? 'Buffy'? Hell, even 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall', one of my favourite movies of all time, had a vampire moment.

(Btw, see 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'. I promise you you'll laugh out loud. Or at least watch this.)

'Let The Right One In' is a Swedish movie from 2008.

It's the story of a young boy named Oskar, living in Sweden. He's constantly bullied by his peers, yet he's too afraid to stick up for himself. He meets a young girl names Eli whom he befriends, despite the fact that she only comes out at night, is unaffected by weather, can't eat food etc. etc. (You know where this is going.)
The movie revolves around their relationship, and the harsh realities Eli has to face. She can only stay in a town for so long until people start to wonder why people are dying, obvs.

Since this is a European film, the Hollywood clichés aren't necessarily there, which is a nice change in a movie regarding children. I first watched this film with eight of my friends, all girls, who's movie tastes range from mine (I mostly agree with the critics) to the typical teenage girl tastes, and this movie had scenes that shut us all up. All of us enjoyed this film, and we all cared about poor little Oskar and Eli.

Yes, this movie is in Swedish, so yes there will be subtitles. I don't get people's aversion to them personally; I put subtitles on even if the movie's in English. That way my friends and I can talk and not miss stuff. It's a sweet deal.


I didn't give this movie a five, jut because it didn't make me cry, but it's one movie I know years from now I'll still love watching. In fact, I watched it with my parents the other night, and two of the friends who were in Europe are coming over Thursday to see it.
The movie's haunting, beautiful, disturbing, and romantic. It'll please action fans, romance fans, horror fans, everyone.

And no, none of the vampires in this movie sparkle.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

OutfitOfTheDay; Gallery Sitting

Because I had to be at the gallery early in the morning, I didn't take any photos before hand. That and I couldn't get my liquid liner right -_-
I meant to take photos after, but, lucky me, I spilt my london fog on my dress. Figures, as it's white, and it was the first time I'd ever worn it.

So I decided to make a little Madison out of clothes.
(Did anyone ever read a Sesame Street book where Ernie or Elmo made a little Ernie/Elmo out of clothes to plan out what they would wear the next day? It was about getting ready for bed; I wish I could remember the title....)

~ Yuki lace dress from Topshop in London
~ Belt from Primark
~ Tights from American Apparel
~ Rosary Necklace by Tarina Tarantino
~ Leopard print sunglasses from Urban Outfitters
~ Ankle boots from Spring (not shown)
~ Assorted rings (not shown)
~ Black men's laptop bag from H & M (not shown)

I think I'm going to have to start using photobucket; the photo quality is all jacked up on Blogger =(

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blog Faaaaaaaail.

I'm just getting the hang of a blog, so don't judge me. I know I should have posted earlier about the fashion show and such, and I know I should have taken pictures of the show itself/what I wore.
But I'm new to this blogging thing, and it didn't cross my mind.
I promise to remedy my thinking.

Anyways, the show was on Thursday. It was called 'Fibre, Naturally' and the garments were all constructed, or at least partially constructed, with paper. Does that make sense? Basically what I'm trying to say is that they were made of Korean Kanji paper.
The show went off without a hitch, despite being slightly late. My model was a bit high maintenance, but I made it work in the end.
Some of the stuff was just fantastic. I wish I could have taken pictures of it all, but I just had no time inbetween the garments.

If you want to know more about the fashion show, and the gallery, you can go to the website

On Sunday I gallery sat for the Kanji exhibit, which was in conjunction with the fashion show. If you have any chance to see these pieces, you really should. The stuff is gourgeous.
This all took place on Granville Island, which was cool because I hadn't been there in a while. Actually, the day before (Saturday) I had been watching tapes with my family from when I was three and my sister was just a baby, and there was one of me chasing seagulls at Granville Island. Ironic, as now I am terrified of birds (I'm looking at you, pidgeons at the London Eye). My mom, dad and I had a coffee after my session at the gallery was over, and we walked around the island.

Now, if you don't know Vancouver or have never been, I'll explain something to you; we're a casual city. What I mean by that is that no one dresses up to go out. No one wears heels, and very rarely do I ever see a full face of make-up. I don't fit the Vancouver stereotype. So when I go out, I always get looks or second glances, and this time I was wearing a full on lace dress, heels, and big, leopard print sunglasses (picture to come).

I can't count how many times I've had my picture taken by a photographer, and I don't mean that in a bragging way at all. When was in London this summer, I looked positively demure. But in Vancouver, no one dresses to the nines (Like my old timey slang? I'm bringing it back), and my hipster friends and I are always on the receiving end of a camera flash.
Not that I'm complaining, unless I end up in Fashion Magazine as a 'don't'.

But even then, that'd probably be fun. I know a lot of my looks would cause a quick pimpslap to the face from many a famous magazine.

P.S. I promise to update more, and with pictures! I have a couple Outfit Of The Days, a how-to, at least one haul, and a make-up 'tutorial' kind of thing coming up. oh, and a movie review, if anyone's interested in my opinion on other things. Which they're probably not. But I'll give it anyway.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Beginnings, In The Midst of A Recession

Well, I did it.

I quit my job.

I worked in a café for the past thirteen months, for those not in the know. There wasn't anything wrong with it; it was the typical first job, yet slighly elevated, as I didn't loathe it with all my being. I even enjoyed myself at times, despite the craziness of, well, I don't want to call anyone out on this blog, lest it get back to them. That is probably the first smart bussiness move I've ever made.

Anyway, thirteen months is a long time for someone as young as myself. I need something new. Something that will somewhat propel me into the fashion world. It's as an employee of mine said,

"You're never going to go anywhere working here."

She is right.

So here I am, unemployed during a 'recession', though technically it's over in Canada at this point, not that we were hit very hard at all. I think fall is a better time to find work, as all the college and university kids have cleared out for another year.

So I'm back, world; no job, no plans for education.

And this time, with not one responsibility in the world.

But on to what I hope this blog will become, a style blog.

Today I woke up at seven in the morning (-_-) to be at work at eight (-_-) and threw on my uniform t shirt and jeans, brushed on some mascara, and pulled my hair back, though that's how I normally wear my hair. But later on tonight I went to dinner with my dad, so I had to wear something more that coffee coated jeans.

~ Striped top from H&M

~ Pleather jacket for New (Some chain of stores in London)Vintage scarf

~ Gray Cheap Monday skinny jeans

~ Leather ankle boots from Spring (My favourites)

~ Cameo ring by Tarina Tarantino

~ Glasses by Gucci

Sorry for the picture quality. I need to think of a new place to take photos and/or find better lighting. This outfit was nothing special, but I liked it. If I don't know what to wear, I wear jeans, some kind of top, a pleather jacket, scarf, black converse of ankle boots, and lots of rings. It's kind of my uniform in the fall, before I need a warmer coat.

Later on this week I'm helping out with a fashion show taking place on Granville Island, and I haven't decided what I'll wear to that. Or more importantly, how to do my make-up, since I'll have to be comfortable while I'm dressing the models backstage.

Tonight I'm going to shower and watch the latest episode of True Blood. I'm too obsessed with that show, but I need something while LOST isn't on. You'll know when LOST is on, as that'll be the only thing I'm talking/thinking about. Those who watch know what I mean.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Testing; 3 2 1

I don't know what to say besides 'Welcome'.

My name is Madison, and this is my blog. What's it about? I haven't thought of a genre for it yet. I love fashion, movies, popular culture, make-up, and other things that neither you nor I want me to bother to list.
What I will tell you is that this is my life, recorded into this little space. Well, what I deem vaugely interesting enough to warrant a post on the internet. But you be the judge.

Feel free to comment, follow me on twitter etc.
Honestly, if you're just a passerby reading, I appreciate the page view.

Love, TimeThatYouWon