_ Gray sweater from H&M
_ Black leggings form American Apparel
_ Rosary by Tarina Tarantion
_ Rosary by Tarina Tarantion
_ Ring by Alexis Bittar (!!!)
_ My mom's old boots
So remember back in the day when I said that since Christmas is over I'd have more time to post on this blog, and then didn't?
OK, here's what happened; a couple weeks ago I decided on a whim to check the university I'm applying to's due dates, assuming that the application was due March 1st, like it had said previously, and that the portfolio was due some time in April, like it had said previously.
Apparently they can change the due dates on a whim.
I had six days to apply, and not even three weeks to do my portfolios.
But I pulled up my bootstrings (I hope I'm using that phrase correctly) and got down to work; everyday I had off was devoted to writing, writing, writing.
I dropped the portfolios off at the post office earlier today, so I'm done, at least for this university.
I still have four more portfolios to due, but that's a completely different topic all together, and one that I don't plan to think about for about a week.
Anyway, on to the outfit; I wore this to work on Friday and then out to see 'The Lovely Bones' and 'The White Ribbon'.

I was impressed by "The Lovely Bones'; it was getting so-so reviews so I didn't come in with much expectations, but I enjoyed myself. Stanley Tucci is fantastic in it, by the way.

I was impressed by "The Lovely Bones'; it was getting so-so reviews so I didn't come in with much expectations, but I enjoyed myself. Stanley Tucci is fantastic in it, by the way.
But then again, isn't he always?
Then my friend and I snuck into 'The White Ribbon' a German film about a village before World War One.

My friend and I didn't even watch until the end; we wanted to catch the 12:45 seabus home versus the 1:15, so we just left. There didn't look to be any conclusion in sight, so we just said "Fuck it."
I was os dissapointed; this film is getting Oscar buzz for Best Foreign Film, and it was something I was really looking forward too.

Onto nails of the day, OPI's 'Gargantuan Green Grape', AKA an excuse to show off my new Alexis Bittar ring.
Don't hate, it was the last one and I just had to get it.
It passed the ultimate test too; on Saturday night my mom and I went to the ballet (That Joni Mitchell one) and a middle aged man passing by me stopped to complement me on it.
So it's got the male seal of approval.

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