_ Striped top from H&M
_ Black blazer by Only
_ Black jeans by Mavi
_ Russian seal necklace by Pyrrah
_ AIDS awareness necklace
_ Rose studs by Mimi And Marge
_ 'Turned Up Turquoise' by China Glaze
So, as to be all inclusive, Happy December!
My family and I always have Christmas Eve at our house, and go over to our cousin's on Christmas Day. The above is what I wore on Christmas Eve; I wanted to look slightly conservative, since my family was going to be there, but I wore my Pyrrah seal (!!!) and my dog tags to make it a bit more me.
Christmas was awesome, needless to say; I got some amazing gifts and I had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off.
I'll do a Christmas haul in a bit; I'm going to have more time off work soon, AKA more time to post here =)

This is one of my Christmas presents, the Russian seal by Pyrrah; they're pendants made from real 19th century seals used in Europe.
I absolutely love these designers, and they're from Vancouver.
If you're coming to Vancouver this February for the Olympics, I recommend this brand; each seal has a meaning to go along with each picture, so they're sentimental gifts.
On that note, I also love Mimi And Marge, another Vancouver designer.

My coworker is so sweet; when I bought these studs, I had actually tried on the rose ones as well, and was debating which ones to buy. Obviously I decided on the studs; I told her about my little Sophie's Choice, and for Christmas she got me the rose studs!
Thank you so much Sarah <3
Nails of the day!

'Turned Up Turquoise' by China Glaze.
I made a bet with my friend; I have a friend who I regularly discuss nail polish with, since we're both super into it. We both agree hands down that OPI is the best, obviously.
Anyway, she hates China Glaze with a passion. She says it's not worth the price, it chips, I wish I had a third point, etc.
But I always see people on blogs raving about China Glaze, so I said I'd try out some and give her my verdict.
My answer? Not as good as OPI, but sill good.
I did find it better than the average drugstore brand, and it coated evenly.
This polish was a bit weird because it was quite matte; I added a top coat, since that's not my cup of tea, but if you wanted some matte turquoise nails, get on that.
I know I've been lax in posting; I work in retail and it's been insane. But I'll have some downtime now (until the Olympics), and I promise to post more.
Plus, I got gift cards to Sephora and MAC, so I'll be on a make-up kick for a little while.
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