_ Black high waisted skirt with white lace from H&M
_ White t shirt from American Apparel (My friend painted song lyrics and a heart on it with fabric paint)
_ Navy (I thought they were back; they were named 'Midnight' -_- ) tights from American Apparel
_ Silver belt from Urban Behaviour
_ Vintage scarf
_ Leather jacket from New Look (Not shown)
_ Black ankle boots from Spring
_ 'Russian Navy' nail Polish by OPI
_ 'Russian Navy' nail Polish by OPI
I know I've been absent these past couple days; the honest truth? I had nothing to write about.
I watched some movies, read some books, made some decisions I'd been putting off, and basically recharged.
I watched some movies, read some books, made some decisions I'd been putting off, and basically recharged.
This post was supposed to be posted yesterday, but my internet timed out as soon as I finished -_-
Oh well, better late than never, and there will be a MixCassette later on today.
Yesterday I went out specifically for an article I'm going to write for his blog; I'll be finished hopefully some time next week.
I almost missed the bus by leaving my coin purse at home (Planning ahead, you elude me sometimes), but I managed to catch it.
On the bus, there was this girl who was just epitomizing the walk of shame. She was wearing a classy black coat, black open toed platforms, chipped black nail polish on said toes, and a messy bun in her hair. When she took off the coat briefly, I saw the strapless champagne coloured number underneath. She wasn't wearing a bra.
She seemed to like my outfit though, or at least I'm going to say that's why she kept staring at me.
Anyway, after I had finished the project, I went to H&M to browse, and saw two friends of mine on the boyfriend couches outside. We had lunch together, which consisted of me trying to eat vegetarian pad thai, despite not knowing how to use chopsticks.
Yes, I never learned how to use chopsticks. I'm not sure what it is; every single friend of mine has tried to teach me at some point in my life, but I just can't grasp the concept. I think it's because I don't hold pencils the regular way. My third grade teacher tried to break me of my habit of holding a pencil wonky, but I was eight by that point and too old to change.
We shopped for a bit, discussed life and whether or not sixty dollars was too much for a faux fur dress (It is not), and then public transited home, but not before I added Marc Jacobs' 'Rain' perfume to my Christmas wishlist.
After, I came home, attempted to post this blog, failed, then met my friend for coffee around eight at a Starbucks.
After, I came home, attempted to post this blog, failed, then met my friend for coffee around eight at a Starbucks.
It's starting to feel like fall in Vancouver; last night my friend and I walked home at around ten at night and it was freezing. I'm into it, obvs, what with my hatred of summery weather and all.

Nails of the day! I'm wearing 'Russian Navy' by OPI. I absolutely adored the Russian Collection; it was the first collection that I bought two bottles of polish from, instead of just sampling one (Aside from 'Russian Navy' I bought 'An Affair In Red Square'). This was my favourite polish for a long time; it's almost black but when you're in the sunlight, the navy shimmer is just POW.
Yeah, you can tell I'm a fan of the dark polishes.
I've got a lot to psot about lately; later on today will bethe MixCassette, then it's my friends birthday party, then Canadian Thanksgiving. Family functions are always tricky to dress up for; I think I'm going to wear yesterdays high waisted skirt, just to class it up a bit. I'd love to do crazy eye shadow, but I know I'll be the person the most done up. In fact, I can't think of a single family get together in the past couple years where I wasn't the person the most dolled up.
C'est la vie, we're not a dressy sort of family.
What's your favourite fall clothing and/or make-up trend/look this year? Black lipstick is my favourite look, but I'm not sure what my fall 'uniform' will be yet. I'm kind of into faux fur coats, but I'm not sure if they're fabulous or hideous.
I find myself wondering that a lot.

P.S. All I've been listening to lately is 'The Listening' by Lights.

And 'Crash Love' by AFI.

Buy these albums.
Proper reviews to come soon.
P.P.S. I can't stop listening to the 'No Way' by Lady Gaga; it was leaked to Youtube a couple says ago. I probably shouldn't encourage this, but whatevs, I love it.
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