_ Striped top from H&M
_ Black dress shorts from H&M
_ Leather jacket from New Look (not shown)
_ Black dress shorts from H&M
_ Leather jacket from New Look (not shown)
_ Fingerless gloves from Urban Outfitters (not shown, but seen below)
_ Black tights from H&M
_ Jade eye necklace
_ Gold charm necklace from Accessorize
_ Black studded ankle boots from Spring
_ 'An Affair In Red Square' nail polish by OPI
I went downtown with two friends today after many a missed buses (OK, one. And it wasn't my fault this time).
Many things were discussed, such as the impact the Twilight Saga was having on young girls (Was I the only one who found Edward controlling to the point of abuse? He was defiantly nowhere near my ideal man), long lost friends from elementary school (One of the girls I'd known since Kindergarten, and another Kindergarten friend who'd moved away contacted us both on Facebook recently), and ass surgery (A friend of ours has had it. Yep).
We also had awesome food court vegetarian pad thai.
And obviously there was a Starbucks break.
I used to be super into caramel machiatos, but I had one again today and was less than enthralled. Do I need a new drink for winter? I think I might. Maybe chai lattes?
What you're favourite hot drink from Starbucks?
From this blog post it really doesn't sound too exciting, but I had a lot of fun today just talking with some friends who I hadn't seen in awhile.

I watched 'Amelie' yesterday (I absolutely adored it) and was inspired by all the reds to paint my nails. I've always had trouble with red nails; I kind of think of them as an older woman colour, therefore never wore them. I mean, I might as well wear crazy colours when I'm young. But this colour's really pretty; it's 'An Affair In Red Square' from OPI's Russian Collection. It's not a normal red; it's a bit in your face, but that's what I like about it. It elicited many complements today ("You're nails are like, whoa."), so I'm happy with it.
Who was your first best friend? Are you still friends with them?
The friend who contacted me got me thinking about back in the day, AKA elementary school. Today my friends and I reminisced about the kids we used to know, and that got me thinking about this question.
My first best friend was a girl named Lynette in grade one. We were both really shy and introverted, which may not sound like a good combination for friendship, but it worked for us.
She moved away the next year before grade two, and I never saw her again. I can't even remember her last name.
I'd like to find her online one day and see is she remembers me, and I'd like to find out what happened to her.

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