Tons of drama yesterday morning.
My sister wanted to that Lady Gaga and Kanye West tour; I thought about going for Lady Gaga, obvs, but then realized I'd have to sit through Kanye West. Anyway, I kind of some what promised I'd buy her the tickets when they went on sale at 10 am. And I forgot about said promise, naturally.
Friday rolled around and I absentmindedly told my sister that I was catching the 10 am bus when she asked me where I was going that day. She reminded me about the tickets.
After much yelling and weighing the options on my part, I gave in and decided to miss my bus and be late to lunch with my friends. I called them and explained everything, of course; keeping rudeness to a minimum is a constant goal of mine.
So all in all, I'm a saint and my sister owes me. Plus I would have felt guilty is I didn't.
I caught the 10:30 bus and eventually met my friends at The Naam sometime around noon, possibly later. The Naam is a vegetarian restaurant that my mom claims to have been around for "about thirty years". I don't know if that's factual or not, but my mom said it, and she wouldn't lie to me.
I had the Thai Dragon Bowl which was amazing. Anywhere that can incorporate tofu into a meal and make it still delicious is good in my book.
Afterwards, one of my friends had to go back to university, while me and the other friends, Kelly, bussed downtown to do some shopping.
I've never named any of my friends on this blog. This is honestly because I don't know if they would want me to. Kelly, I'm going to put your name out there because A) you took the OOTD pictures and B) you managed to find this blog, so if you don't want your name out there, you can just tell me.
I saw the MAC Style Black collection.
I am disappoint.
I knew I wasn't going to buy any of the lipsticks, because I want to buy Lime Crime's Styletto lipstick when it comes out, but I at least thought the lipglosses would work. The two black lipglosses with shimmer were barely pigmented, and the pure black one just wasn't working. Kelly agreed with me on that. The mineralized eyeshadows were all right, but mineralized eye shadows just aren't as pigmented as MAC's regular eyeshadows.
So while I was deeply upset, my wallet was not, and I now have a spare couple of Canadian bills in my pocket.
This is when I gave Kelly my camera and told her to shoot some Outfit Of The Day Photos while I was walking. I was talking to her throughout the entire time, which is why my mouth is all contorted and giving me less than attractive faces.
We used to do photography together in high school; there are few people I'd ask to do the OOTD shots, just because everyone always tries to get me dead in the center of the photo, and then they'll awkwardly crop out my feet or something. Kelly learned the rule of thirds. My god, I love the rule of thirds.
Later than night, Kelly and two of our friends watched a couple movies together, 'X Men Origins: Wolverine' and 'X2'.
Many 'that's What She Said' jokes ensued.
'X Men Origins: Wolverine' was a basic action movie, which was disappointing, since I adore the X Men trilogy.
First strike against it: Dominic Monaghan dies within the first ten minutes.
They seriously just put that guy in stuff so he can die. Which sucks because I love him. He will always be Charlie to me.
('Not Penny's Boat' will always be one of the saddest moments in TV)
Afterwards we watched 'X2', which put the 'Wolverine' to shame; you can really see the bad in a movie when you watch an awesome movie after it.
Mystique and Magneato will always be my favourites.
And Xavier.
Today was a lazy day; I took a OOTD picture, but it's honestly too bland to post.
Not the outfit, I like it, but the photos themselves were such a fail.
It's Elsie's (my dog) birthday today!
_ Dress from Zara
I know you've seen the same basic outfit before, but I just needed something comfortable to wear.
The three of them had a wedding to go to in the city, so they'll be staying the night here.
After coffee, they left for the wedding, and I went down to the mall to drop off a resumé; a friend of mine works in a shoe store, and said they needed a new employee. Of course afterwards I wandered into The Bay (Canada's department store) to lust at the MAC counter. If I get the job, I see myself drifting over there at many a lunch hours.
I can't help it, MAC's a cult. You don't even know how excited I am for the Style Black Collection.
Anyway, I replaced the cardigan with my leather jacket and wore ankle boots to go drop off the resumé. I needed to look slightly classier and/or hipster-y.
So there's my day thus far; I hope my family catches a late ferry home so I can show my cousin downtown Vancouver. She would freak out at Holt Renfrew.
Do any of you care about nail polish? I am completely obsessed with manicured nails, and I mean that in the actual meaning of obsessed, not the teenage girl meaning; I give myself a manicure every week, and I have a bit of a collection of OPI nail polishes. Right now I'm wearing Flashbulb Fuchsia by OPI; I decided I needed to get out of my dark nail polish rut. After watching 'Happy-Go-Lucky' my life desperately needed a bit of colour injected into it, and apparently obnoxious pink nail varnish does the trick.
I used to think this colour was too bright, but now I'm super into it. What do you think?
Question Of the Day;
What's your opinion on fake nails? My friend and I are going to go out to Richmond soon to buy a bunch of fake nails from Daiso, a Japanese store. I personally love them, and would love acrylics, but I know that most people hate them. They can be trashy, but I think they can also be cute.
P.S. I woke up this morning and this was dead and on my windowsill.
I wish this showed you how big it was; I swear to god it's legs were longer than toothpicks.
It freaked me the hell out, becasue do you know what that means?
This thing was in my room with me. All night.
P.P.S. I still can't stop listening to this.
_ Gray oversize graphic t shirt from Primark
_ Cutoff jean shorts from American Eagle (I cut them myself, thus the uneven-ness)
_ Black tights form H&M
Elsie makes a cameo in this photo; I promised to walk her yesterday down to the library, but the rain was relentless.
It was all for the better though, because today I took her on a two hour and twenty minute walk with a friend of mine and her dog. She convinced me to go running with her and a bunch of our friends, oh god. We'll see how that pans out; I work out, but on my family's elliptical in the basement. Running on the road's a little different.
Question Of The Day;
Who's your style icon from a movie? Like, the character with the best style. I've been thinking about this lately, and I don't know who mine is; I recently watched 'Happy-Go-Lucky' which was OK, a bit boring, but Poppy, the main character had a crazy sense of style and wore heels with everything. I also love Shilo Wallace from 'Repo! The Genetic Opera'; everything she wore was very Victorian inspired. And of course there's Marilyn and Audrey.
'Once' is not the typical musical; while the char actors occasionally sing, they sing for good reasons, ie. they're alone, they're performing, or (spoiler) they're recording.
The movie takes place in Dublin, where a poor Irish street musician meets a young Czech immigrant. Basically they develop a friendship, but previous relationships stop them from dating, even though they're falling in love.
That's as far as I'll go with the plot, since anymore would spoil it.
The tag line of the movie is "How often do you meet the right person?" with the movie's title, 'Once', written underneath. I don't think that needs any more explanation.
The underlying message of the movie asks the question of what we, people in the modern day, do when confronted with love. If it doesn't work with our plans, if it isn't convenient, will we still follow it? Or is true love only true love when it's convenient?
Can we possibly miss our true love because we were too busy to notice?
Because it's an Irish movie, there are few, if no Hollywood clichés. One of the things I absolutely loved about the film was the names of the two main characters. They're never spoken throughout the film, and listed in the credits as 'Guy' and 'Girl'.
I watched this movie with three of my friends originally, not paying attention. A couple days later I decided to watch it by myself late one night, and it brought me to tears. Now, I will note that it isn't a feat of any movie to make me cry, I'm kind of a pussy in that respect, but I honestly connected emotionally with both of the main characters.
If anyone is looking for a powerful modern film without the typical Hollywood makeover, I recommend 'Once'. This movie pertains to anybody who is caught up within their responsibilities and their view of what 'should' be.
So basically, all of us.