Grey sweater from H&M (worn as a dress); Black leather jacket from New Look; Black tights from American Apparel;
Grey toque from H&M; Leopard sunglasses from Urban Outfitters; Bracelet from Club Monaco;
Rings from H&M and Rings Eclectic; Necklace by Pyrrha;
Pyramid and rose studs by Mimi And Marge; Black flats from Aldo; Black men's laptop bag from H&M;
'Waters Edge' nail polish By L'Oreal Paris;
Boring outfit, but that’s what I came up with at 5:30 in the morning; the store I work for had to do its semi-annual inventory, and I was chosen to participate. It wasn’t bad; all I had to do was count stuff, and that’s pretty much it.
Afterwards, a co-worker and myself had coffee and talked about life, work, and the future. It was actually pretty deep, but I’m known to spill my guts in the local coffee establishment.
I know I haven’t been posting lately; I worked eight days in a row last week (which is illegal, but no one stopped me) and had the intentions of writing a bunch or articles over the weekend, which I had off.
Friday after work I came home to some bad news, and Saturday was spent in bed, then telling myself not to be a loser, to get up and deal with problems instead of running away.
I’m not sure if my problem is solved, but I’m going to stop moping.
No one likes negativity.
One thing this past weekend taught me was that every once in awhile, someone will come through for you.
“Don’t worry; I’ll take care of it.”
That’s what my dad told me Friday night, and Monday morning he did. We used to fight, we used to yell, but when it comes down to it, he’s there for me.
Anyway, not to get too deep and in your face, so let’s get to some nails of the day.

I know. I bought drugstore nail polish. Two bottles even.
I absent-mindedly wandered into Shoppers last week and noticed a display of L’Oreal Paris nail polishes, and the one I’m wearing, ‘Waters Edge’, immediately caught my eye.
It’s that hipster colour that everyone’s been wearing, that shade that OPI won’t seem to create. So I had to look into alternative methods, mainly L’Oreal Paris.
I also bough ‘High Tide’ because it was so weird; I kind of shimmering pale blue/grey. It’ll look awful on, but it was too strange not to buy.
There was also a bright blue that was really pretty, but it looked too much like ‘What’s With The Cattitude?’ by OPI and I couldn’t justify it.
Onto more materialism; I have a mini jewellery haul!

My Pyrrha seal finally came!!!
This is the one I’ve wanted for forever but the store didn’t have it in stock. Then I learned I could special order it.
It’s the swan, which represents “A lover of poetry and learning, someone who enjoys the beautiful things in life”.
I showed my co-workers and they all agreed it was very me. I take that as a complement.
I also bought these La Vie Parissienne earrings in gold.

I want to start wearing more gold jewellery, even though I recognize that I look better in silver. It’s hard; everything I own is silver save four necklaces and a couple rings. Which sounds like a lot, but for me it isn’t.
Share a time that someone came through for you, melted your heart, made you smile, etc. More of a statement really, but you know. Pus it in the comments.
